We are ending this week on a very happy note! The students went on a field trip this week where they learned, sang and made whistles from Guatemala in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. We had a special helpers, Heather and Nelsy, who helped make the day even better. The kids demonstrated their knowledge about Central America and they impressed everyone one there with their Spanish. It was a great experience and we are so excited for the next field trip!



The next event in Maryel will be our Halloweenparty. All the parents are invited to do an activity with their child and share a breakfast with the Maryel Community on Monday, October 31st.





















The children learn much more through experimentation and exploration. This week we explored our senses and for the children it was a great experience.  During the week we introduced the 5 senses of the body (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell). Another important event in our school was the Halloween decoration. Thank you parents for the beautiful decorations and we would like to give a special thank you to Marytere for your time and creative ideas. The school looks great!























 This week the students learned about the sense hearing. We read the book “Oso Polor, Oso Polar, Qué estás escuchando?”  Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? And we lowered and raised music during class so that we could hear the difference.  To continue with this theme, we sang the sing “Cinco Sentidos” by the group Hi 5.












For the sense tasting, we read the book “La Oruga Hambienta” “ The Very Hungry Cartepillar” and the students tasted apples, strawberries and pears. We were also introduced to other flavors: vinegar, salt and honey. The students expressed what flower was their favorite. Of course the honey was their favorite!

 For the sense of smell, the children made dough by mixing flour, oil, water, food coloring and orange fragrance. Then they smelled and played with the dough. Another activity that they loved was creating art by gluing cinnamon.

















This week we worked on our senses.but focused on 3: Oler (smell), Saborear (taste) and Escuchar (hear). We also explored different texture and scents and opened a calabaza (pumpkin), took out the seeds and smelled it.
We learned the vowels and the letters of our first names through water-coloring.











Saborear (taste): to introduce the topic of taste we read the book ‘La oruga hambrienta’ (the very hungry caterpillar) by Eric Carle. We explored 5 different items this week, salt, vinegar, honey, broccoli and cinnamon and just by the looks of it we can see that everyone’s favorite taste was the sweet honey! Delish!!