This week we have been getting ready for Día de acción de gracia (Thanksgiving). We decorated our fat turkeys with feathers and made turkey suncatchers. We have been singing Yo soy un Pavo all week, we love that song!





This week we talked about Abuelo (grandpa) and Abuela (grandma). We read Abuelita fue al Mercado by Stella Blackstone & Christopher Corr. Abuela had a magic carpet that flew to all the different countires to collect different items. We made our own alfombra mágica (magic carpet) and flew to China to make our beautiful and colorful lanterns to hang up in class!






Thanksgiving and practiced the vocabulary (Pavo-Turkey), (Indigenas-Indians), (Colones-Colonists), (Pelegrinos- Pilgrims).
We studied the parts of turkey, (pico-peak,alas-wings, cola-tail). We did a lot art crafts with this theme, putting colored feathers
on our turkey and we created a turkey with contact paper. We sang the song “Yo soy un pavo” “I am a Turkey”.









The students painted the letter P.
The students also explored by using grain corn on the table to find different fall objects.
With these activities we worked on improving their sense of touch.

























 This week in circle time we had a new friend! His name is ‘Pavo’ (Turkey) and this week Pavo told us a story about ‘Acción de gracias¨(Thanksgiving). We learned about his colors and some parts of his body like his ‘pico, alas y plumas’ (Beak, wings and feathers). It was fun!!







In math class we continued working on recognizing and tracing ‘Número dos’ (Number two). You can practice tracing the number two at home by saying ‘un iglú, un inclinado y un dormido¨. Those are the tracing names we use in class and the children know how to follow them. We also worked with the geometrical figure ‘Cuadrado’, (Square).











This was a week full of practice and rehearsal for our Spelling Bees in English and in Spanish. The children worked very hard to prepare for these and they are excited to show everyone all what they have learned. Thanks to all for coming to our first ever Spelling Bee at Maryel!







All of us are ready for Thanksgiving. The students have prepared a surprise for everyone at Maryel that will take place next Tuesday. We are very proud to show you what they have been working on so hard.