Welcome to Week 31

Kindergarten Class

This week we had 2 English days and 3 Spanish days. Students practiced writing lowercase and uppercase ‘Oo’ in print and in cursive. They learned that the letter ‘Oo’ makes a long sound when there is a magic ‘e’ at the end of the word or when ‘ow’ or ‘oa’ are written together. They practiced readings words like bow, row, boat, coat, float, low, hope, home, dome

In Math, students practice adding two digit numbers using number bonds. In Spanish students continue to work on more than, less than and equal to. Next week we will continue to add two digit numbers. In Spanish, students will learn how to tell time (la hora).

In Science, students had fun learning about the Digestive System. They learned how food is broken down into nutrients that help our body get energy. They learned that the small intestine is much longer than the large intestine. Next week we will learn about the Cardiovascular System.

In History and Geography, students learned about jobs people had a long time ago. Next week students will explain how life today was different than long ago,

In International Studies, students learn about Salar de Uyuni, world’s largest salt flat southwest of Bolivia. They learned about some of Bolivia’s traditional foods and Las Cholitas (indigenous women from Bolivia). Next week we will learn about Brazil.









Koalas Class

Koalas had another week filled with learning and fun activities. During this week the students were introduced to vegetables and reviewed fruits throughout a variety of activities. Students learned that there are vegetables that grow as roots such as carrots, potatoes and beets and for that they worked on an art activity to visualize how these vegetables would look inside the soil. The children also continued learning about fruits while working on sequences, puzzles and sorted groups of fruits and veggies according to their quantity.

Vocabulary of the week:

sandia (watermelon)
piña (pineapple)
pera (pear)
manzanas (apples)
aguacate (avocado)
zanahoria (carrot)
remolacha (beet)
papas (potatoes)
tierra (soil)
mucho (a lot)
poco (little)









Pre – K Class

This week has been a good week for your children, I’m going to show you what we did during this week.
In Language Arts Writing/Reading: Students keep reviewing the alphabet every morning. This week we reviewed letter L, S and M, uppercase, lowercase, phonetically and grammatically. We were reading and doing activities in where they have to find the syllable with which each word begins (la, le, li, lo, lu, sa, se, si, so, su, and ma, me mi, mo, mu.) We were reading and writing vowel groups and different words that contained the new letters. Next week we will star with letter P.

This week we read some interactive tales: “Vida de perros”, “Una tormenta de miedo”, “No sin mi ballena” and “Como esconder un leon a la abuela”.

In Math: We practiced every day to put the numbers of the month in the correct order on the wall, we revieved the numbers from 10 to 10. We also count out loud until number 70. We were doing simple additions and subtractions. We were practicing patterns, mazes and measures.

In Music: We were singing and dancing “Allá en las aguas”, “Yo quiero caminar”, “Sol, solito” and “Las hormigas van marchando”.

In Physical Education, We played baseball with the inflatables bats and balls. We were playing different circle games “Ala zapatilla por detras”, “Pato, Pato”, and also we played catching games, “the turtle”, one is the turtle and is catching the other ones, those who are caught will join in a chain to catch the rest.

In Science,we learned about the 4 seasons and why they happen.

In Geography/History, we reviewed the different professions.

In Visual Art: we were doing different crafts: we made a butterfly, and different characters from stories.







Ardillas Class

In Mathematics, they traced, identified and quantified numbers in multiple ways with Insect theme. In addition they colored the set of items that has menos (less). They colored the pantalones (pants). Furthermore, the children observed and identified the orden secuencial (sequential order) of an event. They cut and glued the scene in correct order. Lastly, the children drew a cola largo (long tail) for a camaleón (chameleon).

In Reading and Writing, the children practiced levantado (vertical), dormido (horizontal), inclinado (inclined), tipi (combined inclined lines), ondulado (wave strokes) with Insect theme. They also used combined inclinado strokes to help the ranita  (froggy) jump in the piscina (pool) . In addition, the children traced the lower case letter i. Lastly, they completed a teacher directed drawing of a superhéroe (super hero).

In Social Studies, our theme was Insectos (Insects). The children made mariquitas (lady bugs), orugas (caterpillars), mariposas (butterflies), abejas (bees) and we started our libelúlas (dragonflies).









First Grade Class

Cannot believe that it is already the middle of May and this academic year continues to get closer to coming to an end. I continue to be very proud of our first graders and their continuous growth. Week 31 was no exception. Let’s dive into what our first graders did this week. Enjoy.

This week our first graders really focused on becoming even better mathematicians, readers and writers than they already are. In Math, students continued developing their carry over addition and subtraction skills. Our students also introduced themselves to the concept of “self-correcting”. When they came across a mistake in their equation, they pinpointed them out themselves and made the necessary corrections to help themselves and their peers. It was nice to see them continue taking accountability for their learning and being little teachers within our small group. Students also finished Unit 3 of their Spanish Math text. They were excited to kick off Unit 4 of their Spanish Math text on Thursday.

Students also worked diligently on their introduction and first body paragraph for their “Miss Rumphius” book report. Students also were pleasantly surprised with themselves and their excellent ability to write in Spanish. For their Spanish writing exercise, they chose an animal and gradually wrote about it. First they used a graphic organizer to organize information on the chosen animal. Then they wrote different paragraphs using the information on their graphic organizers. They then were to come up with 6 different ways to take care of the animal of their choice. It was excellent having them explore their Spanish more by focusing on an animal they were interested in. It made the activity more fun for them.

Students also worked on re creating “April showers bring May flowers” when they created umbrellas using card stock, construction paper and paper plates as well as paint pens, glitter and crayons/markers. They also enjoyed of the beautiful Spring weather that was coming through this week and enjoyed a lot of patio time.